Join HPS

We are fully committed to inclusivity. Our society consists of scientists, educators, and administrators currently engaged in careers related to the physiological sciences or who have retired from such careers. Students interested in pursuing careers in the physiological sciences are encouraged to join HPS. Opportunities for students to take on leadership roles in HPS exist. Basically, anyone interested in who we are and what we do, and who wants to participate in our activities can apply for membership. If you want to join HPS or find out more, go to the “Contact Us” link and submit your contact information and any questions you have. We’ll get back to you.

Heartland Physiological Society

Our Membership Rules

Article I. Membership

Section 1. The Society shall consist of regular members and associate members.

Section 2. Regular Members. Persons who have conducted and published meritorious original research and/or are actively engaged in teaching and who hold a terminal degree are eligible for regular membership in the Society. Only regular members shall be voting members.

Section 3. Associate Members. Persons who are engaged or who are interested in the physiological sciences shall be eligible for associate membership in the Society. Associate members may later be proposed for regular membership.

Section 4. Membership Procedure. Potential members should submit a letter of intent, with a curriculum vitae and a recommendation from a regular member of the Society to the Society to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society. All applications will be reviewed by the Council and approved by the voting members of the Society at subsequent business meetings.